Thursday, December 15, 2011

Taxidermy Christmas Tree

Ever since I was a young girl I have been fascinated and mesmerized by examples of taxidermy that I would encounter in museums, conservatories and, of course, during visits to various personal homes and businesses. If you have ever visited a Cabella’s Outdoor Store, and viewed their stunning taxidermy displays, you can certainly appreciate what I am saying.
While I do not hunt and stuff animals myself, I am respectfully appreciative of the art form and artistic preservation, perfected by talented naturalists in the early 20th century. (Though actual stuffing of animal skins has been around for hundreds of years.) I believe these displays serve to teach, excite and inspire the nature-lover in all of us.

Throughout the years, during my travels and through client relationships, I have gathered a small collection of well-admired and sometimes worn pieces of taxidermy. This, I feel, lends to the animal's story, its charm and curiosity.

The Gipson Girl loves to stretch the bounds of imagination when it comes to styling a Christmas tree! This year I have decided to put my taxidermy pieces to use by creating an adventuresome "Tribute to Nature" tree. During the creation of this unique tribute tree, I was awed by my mixed emotions --and the mixed client reaction as well! -- but certainly I still feel appreciative of this fascinating art form called taxidermy.
Now that this stunning tree is up and on display, and after thoughtful reflection, I have decided what better use of pieces of alluring taxidermy than to place them into a  beautiful Christmas tree inspired by nature.   I urge you to please stop by The Gipson Girl today and let me know what YOU think!
“If you can dream it, bravely do it!”  Cynthia Gipson – The Gipson Girl

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