Friday, April 20, 2012

Don't let updating an existing space overwhelm you

Decorating a new home from "scratch" can be overwhelming. However, it can be just as daunting to give an existing space an update. There are many reasons for updating an existing space: We desire fresh new colors, our furniture tastes have changed, etc. In my line of work I find very often that updates are needed simply because certain beloved and cherished aspects of that room have just become worn. In some cases, worn out!


I recently worked on a fabulous project with a customer. However, this project had a not-so-great problem. A problem of such magnitude that most customers would have simply said OUT WITH ALL OF THIS AND START FRESH! To give you the background story, a few years back this customer worked with a wonderful, very upscale design shoppe. We all know what "upscale" means. It means that you pay top-dollar for both design ideas and exquisite fabric. She spent a small fortune in creating a bedroom done up in layers of red and green (a very popular and striking color choice when she initially began her bedroom design.) She went for the whole shebang -- bedding with the beautiful bedskirt, piped in red velvet, Everything coordinated beautifully with the rich red and green chenille damask draperies, posh pillow shams, etc. The centerpiece of it all was a magnificent red floral comforter!

Oh, she love-love-loved it all. Unfortunately, because the comforter was the piece that got the most use in this ensemble, it had seen its best days. It was now looking worn. She thought, no problem. I still love this color scheme. I will have this same comforter custom-made for me -- again! Big problem! That fabulous, upscale design/fabric boutique had closed up shoppe. Those creative, cutting-edge women have now retired.

A solution worth sharing

My customer, however, is a woman who does not give up easily. She absolutely refused to give up on her beloved bedroom decor. Because of her refusal to compromise, this customer arrived at a great solution. After scouring the local retail stores, she found a beautiful gold floral comforter that blended perfectly with her red and green custom bedroom pieces. This SMART LADY had actually preserved all of the exquisite fabric trims and embellishment scraps from that original fabulous (yet time-worn) custom bedroom comforter. (Haha, and she even knew right where those scraps were!) She brought those little treasures into The Gipson Girl store. Together we had quite a time brain-storming. After understanding her vision (and great passion!) I was able to design and craft for her a bed full of luscious new pillows, using the original scraps from her beloved original comforter. Bedroom salvaged!

WOW, that felt good. My customer was beyond ecstatic. She was now able keep her beloved lavish window treatments, which now worked beautifully with her new comforter and newly customized bedding pillows (adorned with those beautiful bits of the original great comforter! ) This project made quite an impression upon me. This remarkable woman REFUSED to give up what she loved.

I always like to say... I never stop learning from others.

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