Ever since the popular TV show "The Hoarders" premiered, my passion has been fueled to guide my fellow collectors. Please hear me... there should be a BIG difference between clutter and collectibles. I know that sometimes, with everyday life happening in our homes, our good intentions collide. That is understandable. Because we "live in it," we can easily overlook the "train wreck." It's worth repeating: There is a BIG difference between clutter and collectibles.(continued...)
Now that we have that established, collectibles need to be separated and showcased uniquely, depending on our lifestyle. For instance, if you have a house full of wild kids, and there's a lot going on in your home, a collection of teapots sitting on your kitchen counter, honestly, just mixes in your dirty dishes. (Sorry ladies. I know that slap of reality stings, but true... )
There are also those who may have a lifestyle where their kitchen seldom ever gets used or messed up. In that case, collectibles can easitly be displayed utilizing an everyday space for display. If you are experiencing some frustration or confusion over your collectibles, you need shelves -- or at least some other unique venue to show off your unique treasures. Often I hear, "But Cynthia, I can't afford that!" Well, that's allright, but let's think about this for a minute. If you have purchased $1,000 worth of teapots, and you love them so much that you cannot "thin them down" or put them out of sight, at minimum, you need to consider spending a few extra dollars to display them. Install a shelf all around the top of your kitchen walls. Border the room with them! The effect is very dramatic! You may have to do one wall at a time to fit your budget, but as soon as you see your beautifulcollection separated, grouped, showcased, you're going to be amazed! (It's like good preaching on a weekday!)
This leads to inspiration, and that leads to more inspiration -- and even more powerful motivation to organize and budget for the next set of wall shelves to house those future acquisitions! To sum things up: The most fun of collecting is the thrill the hunt! Now let's think about that. What can be more exciting than hunting for the most treasured things that you cannot find in the usual haunts, or even afford in the usual places, all in one day? Oh, I think yessssss!
Honestly, you have worked very hard to acquire your beautiful objects. Shouldn't the way that you display your beloved collectibles be given the same honor and recognition as the intensity of the hunt? In following through with this final and important step, you are sharing with your admirers a glimpse of not only your treasures but an even deeper appreciation of them.
Simply stated, you have managed to showcase the thrill of the hunt. HOW GRATIFYING! Pat yourself on the back. You have hit the mark by successfully expressing your intentions behind the display. Your appreciative admirers will definitely "feel and understand" why you love your items so intensely because you have allowed your admirer to become an exciting part of the journey.
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