Monday, February 6, 2012

Don't be a bore!


My thoughts today are still on setting up my own new residence here in the former Gipson Girl location on Vine Street. A friend stopped by to see what I had done so far. In passing, she made a suggestion about what to do with a little alcove spot. It was brilliant! Her suggestion was something that I had not thought of. Now, of course I consider myself superior to my friend in the design realm (wink-grin). Typically the shoe is on the other foot, with her asking me for my advice. But then, BAM! (continued...)

I am reminded that one can never consider themself so great in a certain field that they close up to another's suggestions and thoughts. If I had been working in a client's home, of course I would have had my ears tuned in to what they would want or like to do with the space. However, this being my own home, her brilliant suggestion had not even occurred to me. I can hardly wait to run with her idea!

Listening is so very important. There are those who go through life never really hearing anything but themselves. They think that no one could possibly enlighten them on anything. What a crying shame! They miss out on so much. Worst of all, this stubbornness makes them a great BORE!

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